Beauty. Lifestyle. Travel. Review. Collaboration.

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Tempat Menarik Di Jelebu Negeri Sembilan

Taman Negeri Kenaboi
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Produk Mampu Milik LUNAGLOW Dari DR. Irma Skincare

Harga produk ini sangat mampu milik dan dijual pada harga bawah RM 45
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OKAD | Dewan Majlis Perkahwinan Bukit Jelutong Shah Alam

Okad Event Space terletak di Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam
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Rawatan Laser Hair Removal di Premier Clinic Sangat Efektif dan Berkesan

Antara sebab Qiss pilih rawatan ni sebab ia tahan lama dan tidak menyakitkan
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3 Langkah Mudah Menjaga Kulit Dengan Bare Essentials Skincare dari Althea

Set rawatan penjagaan kulit dari Althea iaitu Bare Essentialdiv>

30 July 2023

Anugerah Zoom Into Malaysia 2023 Huawei Rai Kecemerlangan Artistik

Peraduan Fotografi Zoom Into Malaysia mempamerkan keupayaan teknologi HUAWEI XMAGE, membuka potensi para jurugambar Malaysia.

Bagi pemilik telefon pintar Huawei pasti tidak lepaskan peluang merakam detik-detik istimewa dan cantik menggunakan kamera telefon mereka. Sehubungan itu, Huawei Malaysia telah meraikan kegemilangan Peraduan Fotografi Zoom Into Malaysia dengan majlis anugerah yang meriah di The Raw Studio oleh Metal Bees. 

Acara tersebut meraikan bakat-bakat luar biasa di sebalik lensa, mengiktiraf pemenang-pemenang dengan hadiah-hadiah yang dinantikan seperti HUAWEI P60 Pro, HUAWEI WATCH FIT dan HUAWEI FreeBuds 5. 

Sambutan yang menggalakkan terhadap peraduan ini mempamerkan komitmen Huawei untuk memupuk kreativiti dalam komuniti fotografi di Malaysia.

Peraduan Fotografi Zoom Into Malaysia, yang berlangsung dari Mei hingga Jun, berjaya menarik seramai 4,100 peserta dari seluruh Malaysia, menyediakan platform yang menarik bagi para profesional dan penggemar fotografi dan videografi mobil untuk mempamerkan kemahiran fotografi dan videografi mereka yang unik. 

Para peserta dijemput untuk merakam keindahan Malaysia yang mengagumkan menggunakan telefon pintar Huawei, membolehkan mereka mengekspresikan kreativiti dan perspektif mereka dalam menggambarkan pemandangan alam yang unik dan detik budaya yang meriah.

Encik Victor Xu, Pengarah Negara Huawei Malaysia Consumer Business Group (CBG) menyatakan, “Kami kagum dengan tahap kreativiti dan kepintaran yang ditunjukkan oleh semua peserta. Peraduan Fotografi Zoom Into Malaysia bukan sahaja merakamkan visual yang menakjubkan tetapi juga menyatukan para jurugambar dari pelbagai latar belakang, masing-masing menyumbangkan penceritaan unik mereka melalui lensa telefon pintar Huawei.”

Dilancarkan pada 2022, jenama XMAGE memberi tumpuan kepada sistem optikal, struktur mekanikal, teknologi imbasan dan pemprosesan imej dalam bidang fotografi. Keempat-empat asas XMAGE kini membentuk prinsip teknologi kamera telefon pintar baharu Huawei yang tersedia dalam Siri HUAWEI Mate50 Kamera Apertur Ultra dan HUAWEI P60 Pro Telefoto Ultra Lightning Kamera, menghasilkan imej yang mengagumkan siang dan malam dengan keupayaan menangkap cahaya penuh yang tidak pernah dilakukan sebelum ini.

Dengan sokongan teknologi XMAGE, Huawei terus memperkasakan jurugambar dengan alatan termaju untuk merakam keindahan landskap dan detik budaya Malaysia. Dalam pandangan ke hadapan, Huawei tetap berkomitmen untuk memupuk kreativiti dan memajukan fotografi melalui teknologi inovatif. Masa depan menjanjikan harapan besar bagi komuniti fotografi, kerana Huawei terus menolak sempadan teknologi pengimejan dan memberi inspirasi kepada juru gambar untuk menjelajahi alaf baru.

Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang kempen Huawei yang akan datang, sila lawati Laman Web Rasmi HUAWEI, laman Facebook Rasmi HUAWEI atau Instagram.

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20 July 2023

Ayam Bakar OH-SEMM Kekal Sebagai Menu Sepanjang Tahun di The Chicken Rice Shop

Berita yang dinanti-nanti oleh peminat Ayam Bakar Oh-Semm kini telah menjadi realiti. Bukan untuk sebulan tetapi sepanjang tahun.

Dapat je tahu The Chicken Rice Shop ada ayam bakar ni, terus ajak suami makan kat sini. Memang sedap dan memenuhi citarasa kami berdua.

Ayam Bakar OH-SEMM Kekal Sebagai Menu Sepanjang Tahun di The Chicken Rice Shop

The Chicken Rice Shop (TCRS), yang terkenal dengan pelbagai hidangan yang dicipta dengan keenakan perisa tempatan, sangat teruja untuk mengumumkan kembalinya Ayam Bakar Oh-Semm (ABOS) yang sangat dinanti-nantikan dan hidangan ini akan kekal dalam menu sempena sambutan ulang tahun ke-23 TCRS! Berikutan permintaan peminat yang menggalakkan, hidangan istimewa ini kini boleh dinikmati di seluruh negara sepanjang tahun! 

Ayam Bakar Oh-Semm ialah karya kulinari yang dicipta dengan adunan rempah ratus dan dipanggang sempurna untuk menghasilkan aroma yang menggiurkan dan kelazatan yang tak terhingga. Digabungkan dengan ‘Ayam Bakar Oh-Semm Sauce’ yang lain daripada yang lain, hidangan ikonik ini menjanjikan pengalaman santapan yang tidak dapat dilupakan yang pasti membuat anda inginkan lagi.

Demi memenuhi permintaan pelanggan, Ayam Bakar Oh-Semm kini tersedia dalam tiga set berbeza yang sesuai untuk dinikmati secara berkumpulan atau individu. Sama ada anda makan bersama-sama para sahabat dan ahli keluarga atau pun bersendirian, pilihan menu yang tersedia pasti memuaskan citarasa semua.


Wong Kah Yong, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif TCRS Restaurants Sdn Bhd menyatakan bahawa tahun ini sangat istimewa kerana restoran tempatan tersebut kini meraikan ulang tahun yang ke-23 dalam industri F&B. Untuk menambahkan kemeriahan, TCRS mengambil peluang ini untuk memenuhi permintaan para pelanggan dengan mengembalikan hidangan yang sangat digemari ramai. 

“Di TCRS, kami menghargai maklum balas pelanggan dan kami komited untuk menyediakan pengalaman santapan yang terbaik bagi mereka. Permintaan yang memberangsangkan untuk Ayam Bakar Oh-Semm telah mendorong kami untuk menjadikannya sebagai item tetap dalam menu TCRS dan kami sangat teruja untuk mengembalikan hidangan ikonik ini supaya pelanggan kami dapat ‘eat like a boss’ with ABOS,” kata Kah Yong.

Qiss suka ayam bakar Oh-Semm ni sebab isi ayam terasa juicy dan tidak kering. Nak lagi sedap kena makan cicah sambal istimewa. Rasa masam manis pedas sambal memang cukup sedap.

Sempena sambutan ulang tahun ke-23, The Chicken Rice Shop menjemput para pelanggan untuk mengunjungi cawangan TCRS terdekat untuk menikmati kelazatan Ayam Bakar Oh-Semm. Dengan perbelanjaan minimum RM30 dalam satu resit, anda berpeluang memenangi hadiah menarik dalam peraduan Ayam Bakar Oh-Semm yang sedang berlangsung dari 12 Jun hingga 6 Ogos 2023!

Qiss dah join peraduan ni. Anda bila lagi? Sambil makan Ayam Bakar ni jomlah join peraduan. Mana tahu tuah anda nanti menang hadiah menarik yang ditawarkan. 

Jom kita sama-sama menikmati warisan masakan tempatan yang pasti menambat hati dan menjamu selera macam bos dengan ABOS!

Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai menu & peraduan Ayam Bakar Oh-Semm, sila layari atau halaman Facebook

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Munawwareen Anjur Program Tausiyah 1 Muharram 'Hijrah: Melangkah Dengan Cinta'

Jenama fesyen Islamik, Munawwareen mengimarahkan Sambutan Awal Muharram dengan menganjurkan program Tausiyah 1 Muharram “Hijrah, Melangkah dengan Cinta" bertemakan Raudah Jiwa yang julung kalinya diadakan dengan kerjasama Ustazah Datuk Dr. Norhafizah Musa. 

Barisan panel jemputan terdiri daripada Ustazah Datuk Dr. Norhafizah Musa, Prof Madya Dr. Sharifah Hayaati, Ustazah Nony, juga panel istimewa Puan Masitah Mohd Afandy dan Irma Hasmie selaku moderator bagi program Tausiyah 1 Muharram “Hijrah, Melangkah dengan Cinta” bersama Datin Hajah Aliza Abu Bakar, Pengasas Munawwareen 

Program terbuka yang hanya disertai para Muslimah ini berkonsepkan 'sharing session' di antara panel jemputan dan juga tetamu yang diraikan. Seramai 500 para muslimah menghadiri majlis ilmiah ini yang bermula seawal jam 9 pagi. 

Pembuka tahun 1445H, program ini juga mengangkat topik hijrah yang dilalui, sama ada suka ataupun duka dan bagaimana konsep hijrah itu sendiri diterapkan dalam kehidupan yang semakin mencabar juga menyuntik azam baru dan semangat yang kuat untuk laluan tahun baru 1445H. 

Awal Muharram atau Maal Hijrah merupakan suatu hari yang penting bagi umat Islam seluruh dunia kerana menandakan peristiwa penting yang berlaku dalam sejarah Islam iaitu memperingati penghijrahan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dari Kota Makkah ke Madinah pada tahun 622 Masihi. Justeru, Munawwareen mengambil inisiatif menyampaikan dakwah melalui program sebegini di samping meraikan kedatangan bulan yang mulia ini dengan semangat hijrah, yakni niat untuk melakukan perubahan dalam pelbagai aspek. 

Panel istimewa Puan Masitah Mohd Afandy

Barisan panel jemputan terdiri daripada Ustazah Datuk Dr. Norhafizah Musa, Prof Madya Dr. Sharifah Hayaati, Ustazah Nony, juga panel istimewa Puan Masitah Mohd Afandy dan Irma Hasmie selaku moderator bagi program Tausiyah 1 Muharram “Hijrah, Melangkah dengan Cinta”. Program ini juga turut mengundang kumpulan Qasidah Tahfiz As-Safiyyah bagi bersama-sama memeriahkan majlis dengan alunan seni suara yang mengandungi unsur unsur dakwah Islamiyah, doa kepada Allah SWT dan puji-pujian kepada Rasulullah SAW.

Perkongsian ketiga-tiga panel amat menyentuh hati dan bersesuai dengan permulaan buka buku baru tahun baru ini dengan Cinta. Tanpa cinta tiadalah kekuatan dalam melaksanakan ibadah seharian.

Selain cinta kepada Allah dan Rasul, panel turut berkongsi kemudahan hidup apabila kita sayang menyayangi antara satu sama lain, ipar duai, keluarga, kawan-kawan dan juga jiran.

Prof. Madya Dr. Sharifah Hayaati menekankan 3 aspek kehidupan iaitu Hamdalah, Maghfirah dan Hawqalah.

Program Awal Muharram ini juga adalah salah satu inisiatif memperkenalkan kolaborasi strategik jenama Munawwareen bersama Pertubuhan Kebajikan Projek Kengkawan, untuk membawa Jemaah OKU Penglihatan (SBM) dan OKU Pendengaran (MFD) menunaikan Ibadah Umrah pada bulan Oktober 2023. 

Projek Langkah Kerdil Menuju Baitullah 2.0 ini juga bertujuan merealisasikan Impian lebih kurang 40 orang ahli pertubuhan mengerjakan umrah buat pertama kalinya. 

Datin Hajah Aliza Abu Bakar berkata, "Bajet untuk menunaikan umrah ini bagi seorang adalah RM9000 dan kami masih memerlukan dalam RM200,000 lagi bagi merealisasikan impian mereka ini. Kebanyakan sumbangan adalah dari pelanggan Munawwareen dan juga rakan-rakan rapat saya sendiri. Kami juga akan berkolaborasi dan membuka tabung sumbangan bagi mencukupkan dana.

Program Tausiyah 1 Muharram ini merupakan projek semi mega di mana sebelum ini turut diadakan perkongsian dalam kumpulan yang kecil. Baru kini Munawwareen tampil membuka peluang kepada pelanggan dan muslimah yang ingin hadir ke majlis ilmu seperti ini.

Kami akan meneruskan lagi program seperti ini kerana mendapat sambutan. Program akan berkisar tentang tarikh-tarikh yang penting seperti Maulidur Rasul dan Awal Muharram. Kemungkinan akan diadakan bacaan Doa Selamat sebelum para jemaah Projek Langkah Kerdil Menuju Baitullah 2.0 berangkat menunaikan umrah nanti."

Layari atau hubungi Cik Liza Jemaan di talian 014-2155392 untuk sebarang Info tambahan.

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08 July 2023

Nak Jadi Jutawan Perlukan Bimbingan Dan Mentor Yang Betul

Tiada rahsia untuk menjadi usahawan jutawan sebaliknya ilmu dan bimbingan daripada mentor yang terbukti berjaya antara kunci kejayaan mereka.

Menurut Pengasas Homebaker@Clover, Rosli Manaf, meskipun beliau mempunyai pengalaman 30 tahun dalam dunia korporat, tak menjanjikan kejayaan dalam bisnes cinnamon roll dibuat.

Pengasas Homebaker@Clover, Rosli Manaf

"Saya bermula tanpa ada ilmu dan pengalaman dalam industri makanan & minuman ini tapi sedar usahawan memerlukan ilmu bisnes untuk berjaya.

Jenama bumiputera, Homebaker@Clover yang menjadi kebanggaan Rosli Manaf

"Sebab itu, saya ikuti program keusahawanan RichWorks hingga dari sekitar jualan RM30,000 sebulan berjaya cecah jualan RM1 juta pertama dalam tempoh enam bulan," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita sebentar tadi.

Pasukan kerja Homebaker@Clover

Beliau berkata demikian ketika hadiri Pelancaran Geran Bimbingan Bernilai RM3 juta sempena Klinik Usahawan: Siri Bina Bisnes Berjaya oleh Mentor Usahawan, Datuk Wira Dr. Azizan Osman di Pejabat RichWorks.

Azizan menandatangani 'placard' sebagai simbolik pelancaran Geran Bimbingan Bernilai RM3 juta sempena Klinik Usahawan: Siri Bina Bisnes Berjaya di Pejabat RichWorks, Shah Alam hari ini.

Inisiatif Azizan bersama RichWorks tersebut menyasarkan 6,000 usahawan mendapat manfaat berbentuk latihan dan penilaian perniagaan yang dianjurkan bermula bulan ini hingga September nanti.

Azizan bersama beberapa usahawan jutawan bergambar dengan buku Perjalanan Satu Juta Pertama yang mengandungi kisah mereka ketika pelancaran Geran Bimbingan Bernilai RM3 juta sempena Klinik Usahawan: Siri Bina Bisnes Berjaya di Pejabat RichWorks, Shah Alam.

Sempena 7 Julai juga, Azizan turut mengumumkan program khas, 10x Bina Bisnes Berjaya (10xBBB) untuk bimbing perkembangan bisnes usahawan secara langsung di dewan sekitar Lembah Kelang pada 2 dan 3 September nanti.

Azizan ketika menjawab soalan bersama rakan media dan usahawan jutawan yang hadir pada pelancaran Geran Bimbingan Bernilai RM3 juta sempena Klinik Usahawan: Siri Bina Bisnes Berjaya di Pejabat RichWorks, Shah Alam.

Sementara itu, bekas akauntan yang kini sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Anjung Impian Development Sdn. Bhd., Hasni Ahmad memberitahu, bisnes pertamanya dalam penternakan itik bagi hasilkan telur lingkup dek penangan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan ketika pandemik pada 2020.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Anjung Impian Development Sdn Bhd, Hasni Ahmad

"Saya cuba bisnes lain dengan jadi peniaga daging ayam dan lembu di pasar pun kecundang.

"Akhirnya saya pilih untuk belajar menjadi seorang kontraktor dan dapat bimbingan keusahawanan bersama RichWorks hingga capai jualan tujuh angka dalam masa enam bulan," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, pemilik pakaian trek jenama Future, Mohamad Rusydi Yusoff berkata, kejayaan dikecapinya hingga berjaya buat jualan lebih RM1 juta bila mendapat bimbingan yang terbukti berjaya.

Pemilik pakaian trek jenama Future, Mohamad Rusydi Yusoff

"Mungkin orang cakap klise, tapi itulah titik tolak perjalanan saya dalam membina sebuah bisnes yang bertahan bahkan berkembang.

"Saya gunakan ilmu dan strategi dipelajari di samping tekankan soal branding dan marketing untuk buatkan bakal pelanggan kenal dan memilih Future," jelasnya yang dulu hanyalah seorang pekerja dalam industri sama.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, usahwan boleh layari laman sesawang

Untuk rekod, Richworks International Sdn Bhd merupakan syarikat latihan dan bimbingan keusahawanan di Malaysia yang holistik terutama dalam bidang penjenamaan dan pemasaran, kepimpinan dan kewangan perniagaan dengan kini sedang memfokuskan kepada business coaching & perundingan khusus bagi perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS).

Sejak 2008, RichWorks telah melatih lebih dari 10,000 syarikat menerusi Master Coach Dr. Azizan dan menarik lebih daripada 1,500,000 peserta dalam lebih 1,500 acara dan seminar live dan dalam talian (virtual online). 

Dengan rekod prestasi terbukti, strategi perniagaan dan program mentoring, RichWorks berjaya membantu membina ribuan usahawan dan jutawan yang berjaya dalam tempoh 6 hingga 24 bulan.

Visi RichWorks adalah menjadi 'Netflix' Pendidikan Usahawan dengan 100 juta pelanggan menjelang 2025 dengan akses mudah ke kandungan berorientasikan results dan penyelesaian yang dipercayai di platform dalam talian - untuk Inspire, Educate & Add Value kepada komuniti di seluruh dunia.

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06 July 2023

HUAWEI Launches The Latest HUAWEI Matebook Series To Unlock All-Inclusive Smart Office Possibilities

Huawei launches a new collection of Super Device in Malaysia featuring flagship laptops and tablets to unlock all-inclusive Smart Office possibilities. Key product highlights include the smart and stylish HUAWEI MateBook D 14 with 12th Gen Intel® Core™ Processor, and the powerful HUAWEI MateBook 16s with 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9 Processor. 

The latest HUAWEI Super Device products are equipped with a multitude of cutting-edge innovations in aesthetics, display, performance, and interconnectivity. Meticulously designed to inspire limitless creativity while facilitating seamless communication, the HUAWEI MateBook Series is packed with upgraded HUAWEI Smart Office solutions for seamless collaboration and smart data sharing for improved productivity. 

The all-inclusive Smart Office features include the new and upgraded SuperHub, Smart Search, and Smart Conference features which further extends HUAWEI Super Device capabilities to more devices. The SuperHub for seamless cross-device file transfer, Smart Search feature for searching files on connected cross-devices instantly, and Smart Conference to bolster efficiency with AI noise cancellation and AI camera – bringing Huawei’s Seamless AI Life vision of “Boundless Creation, Seamless Communication” closer to reality.

HUAWEI MateBook D 14: Next Generation of Stylish & Smart UltraSlim Laptop

The new HUAWEI MateBook D 14 is engineered for excellence and meticulously tested for perfection. It features the iconic FullView Display, sporting a 14-inch 1080p Full HD IPS anti-glare screen, screen-to-body ratio of 90 percent display for a highly immersive viewing experience. With dual eye protection , TÃœV Rheinland Low Blue Light and DC Dimming Flicker Free accreditations, prolonged viewing is no longer a concern as it effectively alleviates visual fatigue caused by extended periods of screen time.

HUAWEI MateBook D 14

The HUAWEI MateBook D 14 also brings an enhanced Wi-Fi experience with the improved HUAWEI Metaline Antenna, using a new structure to stimulate more resonance modes and improve antenna performance. Born out of years of research and development, the HUAWEI Metaline Antenna is built with an optimized three-layered interference protection system – a set of unique methods and patent accumulation for an optimized metamaterial antenna design. The result is an ultra-long-distance connection of up to 270 meters . 

For a fast performance laptop that is lightweight and slim, the HUAWEI MateBook D 14 is packed with an impressive amount of power. Lightweight at only 1.39kg with a sleek metallic body, it is powered by 12th Gen Intel® Core™ Processor to deliver a significant boost to performance and adopts Intel®’s new 10nm SuperFin process, with 12 cores and 16 threads. Once its new, built-in intelligent system optimization, Super Turbo, automatically initiated based on users work intensity therefore it allows users to cope with any complex application scenarios. 

Designed to cater to users who prioritizes portability, users can quickly unlock and log into the HUAWEI MateBook D 14 desktop using the Fingerprint Power Button. It is also equipped with Smart Conference features to better facilitate collaborations everywhere and any time. The upgraded Personal Voice Enhancement, now supporting wireless earbuds and Type-C headphones, reduces distractions by suppressing ambient noise around the speaker and enhancing the user’s voice. This is made possible through AI identification of the authentic voiceprint of the speaker’s vocals, which is then processed through machine learning models and isolated in the audio output.

HUAWEI MateBook 16s:  Professional-grade Large Screen High-performance Laptop

On the other hand, the HUAWEI MateBook 16s, powered with latest 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9 Processor, inherits the 16-inch, 2.5K True Colour Touch Screen from previous generation with an upgrade on the brightness and clarity of the screen to 400 nits. This allows users to visualize work better or watch favorite films on a more brilliant screen, while easily navigating across files and pages with the 10-point touch screen feature.

HUAWEI MateBook 16s

This high-performance, lightweight, large touch-screen laptop, is also packed with upgraded features such as HUAWEI Metaline Antenna for stable network connectivity that extends over long distances and Smart Conference with upgraded Personal Voice Enhancement.

Adopting a hybrid architecture of performance and energy-efficient cores, the HUAWEI MateBook 16s is made for professionals and creatives who handle fast-paced, complex and multi-tasking work scenarios. Similar to HUAWEI MateBook D 14, the Super Turbo software on HUAWEI MateBook 16s will automatically activate to provide users an added boost when executing heavy-duty tasks and large-gigabyte files such as gaming, real-time rendering, and video clipping.

Price and Release Date


HUAWEI MateBook D 14

HUAWEI MateBook 16s

Colour Options




8GB+512GB i5 12th RM 3,199

16GB+1TB i9 13th 

RM 6,999

16GB+512GB i5 12th

RM 3,399

Sales Launch

15th July ~ 13th Aug

Pre-order/sales launch offer

Gift worth up to RM858

Microsoft 365
HUAWEI Backpack
HUAWEI Watch fit

Gift worth up to RM1358

Microsoft 365
HUAWEI Stylish Backpack
HUAWEI Sound joy

offer period

15th July ~ 13th Aug

15th July ~ 13th Aug

Sales channel

HES / /HUAWEI Official Website/Shopee/ Lazada

HES / HUAWEI Official Website/ Shopee/ Lazada

For more information, latest updates or promotions about HUAWEI Smart Office Devices, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram
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HUAWEI Launches A New Collection Of Super Devices, The MatePad Series

Huawei today launched a new collection of Super Device in Malaysia featuring flagship tablets including the all-new flagship HUAWEI MatePad Air for pro-level experience, versatile and functional HUAWEI MatePad 11.5-inch. 

HUAWEI MatePad Series

The latest HUAWEI Super Device products are equipped with a multitude of cutting-edge innovations in aesthetics, display, performance, and interconnectivity. Meticulously designed to inspire limitless creativity while facilitating seamless communication, the HUAWEI MatePad Series is packed with upgraded HUAWEI Smart Office solutions for seamless collaboration and smart data sharing for improved productivity. 

The all-inclusive Smart Office features include the new and upgraded SuperHub, Smart Search, and Smart Conference features which further extends HUAWEI Super Device capabilities to more devices. The SuperHub for seamless cross-device file transfer, Smart Search feature for searching files on connected cross-devices instantly, and Smart Conference to bolster efficiency with AI noise cancellation and AI camera – bringing Huawei’s Seamless AI Life vision of “Boundless Creation, Seamless Communication” closer to reality.

HUAWEI MatePad Air: Flagship PC-like Tablet

Making its first debut in the market, the all-new HUAWEI MatePad Air 11.5-inch is a revolutionary addition to the HUAWEI MatePad Series. It is Huawei’s first tablet that supports 144Hz High-Refresh Rate with SuperRender on a 2.8K HD FullView Display, soaring 3:2 screen-to-body ratio, and a density of 291ppi for clearer image resolution; providing users with an unparalleled visual experience as well as seamless scrolling experience to level-up the work productivity in any work scenarios.

The HUAWEI MatePad Air 11.5-inch is specifically tailored for productivity on-the-go and creativity-driven professionals who value high-performance output in a sleek sand light and ultra-thin design of 6.4mm and lightweight tablet that weighs only 508g. Portability of the tablet is further heightened through its dual-earbuds connection feature paired with Huawei wireless earbuds – enjoy sharable listening between two people to support multiple work scenarios, be it meeting conference calls or video playback, anytime, anywhere.

Users can also enjoy the PC-level WPS Office on HUAWEI MatePad Air 11.5-inch to perform more complex office requirements than mobile apps. With the upgraded HUAWEI Notes app featuring a wide range of brush options, short-cut key, side-by-side notes, in notes search and the cross-app colour capture; fully unleash the potential and advantages of the app with HUAWEI M-Pencil and detachable HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard for seamless notetaking and personalized experience.

Powered by the all-new, user-friendly Harmony OS smart ecosystem to optimized Super Device feature, multi-screen collaboration between the laptop and HUAWEI MatePad Air 11.5-inch, in terms of secondary display and blazing-fast file sharing, can be done effortlessly. Besides using the tablet as a hub device, users can activate the HUAWEI SuperHub feature in the tablet for super easy cross-app storage and cross-device access – simply extract different sentences or images from multiple paragraphs and sharing them with different devices. 

HUAWEI MatePad 11.5-inch, Most Affordable PC-like Tablet

The all-in-one tablet for all-rounded use, the HUAWEI MatePad 11.5-inch is designed to meet the needs for work, study, or leisure purposes. Its FullView display is certified with multiple eye protection authentications from TÃœV Rheinland1. Packed with 120Hz refresh rate, the tablet enables a smoother viewing, a more responsive touch control, an undisrupted gaming experience and low-latency handwriting input. Its larger screen and Histen 8.0 quad-speaker stereo have fully optimized the audio and visual experience, gave a more immersive cinema-grade screening experience when watched a movie. The tablet can be used with a smart keyboard, mouse, and HUAWEI M-pencil to maximize working or learning, thus bringing productivity a leap forward in any scenario.

Price and Release Date


HUAWEI MatePad Air

MatePad 11.5"

Colour Options




8+256GB LTE 


6+128GB WIFI RM1,499

6+128GB LTE RM1,699


6th~21st July

Sales Launch

22nd~31st July

Pre-order/sales launch offer

Gift worth up to RM1098

Free Keyboard & Pencil

Gift worth up to RM998

Free Keyboard & Pencil

offer period

6th~21st July

6th~21st July

Sales channel

HES / HUAWEI Official Website/Lazada

HES /HUAWEI Official Website/Shopee

For more information, latest updates or promotions about HUAWEI Smart Office Devices, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.

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HUAWEI NOVA 11 And WATCH 4 Series Officially Launched In Malaysia

Innovative design meets health excellence: Huawei Malaysia introduced nova 11 Series and WATCH 4 Series 

Huawei Malaysia officially launched its all-powerful portrait flagship, nova 11 Series along with its flagship smartwatch, WATCH 4 Series. Known for its exceptional camera capabilities and stylish design, the latest nova 11 series offer a more intelligent and user-friendly experience dedicated for younger audiences – shining even brighter in the nova star universe. HUAWEI WATCH 4 Series boasts premium futuristic aesthetic design, combined with the most advanced suite of health management features – allowing users to manage their health in style and be more proactive in taking diligent care of themselves.

HUAWEI nova 11 Series

HUAWEI nova 11 Series, Stunning Design, Stunning Selfie

Based on the legacy of the nova brand, the nova 11 Series debuts XD Portrait and the newly upgraded HUAWEI Multi-Vision Photography for capturing extraordinary portraits. The Super Star Orbit Ring design perfectly integrates aesthetics into the lenses. The ultra-durable Kunlun Glass delivers ultimate reliability, while EMUI 13 powers the nova Game Engine, and along with SuperCharge Turbo, the phone is smoother, smarter, and more secure.

Some of the key features of HUAWEI nova 11 Series include: 

(1) Upgraded HUAWEI Multi-Vision Photography captures pictures from close-up and far-away

Equipped with upgraded multiple imaging technologies, nova 11 Series is promised to deliver an extraordinary portrait taking experience that is suitable for all kind of photo angles – from group photos to close-up portraits. For the first time, the nova 11 Series incorporates XD Portrait technology, which impeccably enhances and highlights every intricate detail in portraits. With the low-light portrait enhancement technology, richer details and more authentic colours can be captured and displayed even in poorly lit environments, so that natural skin texture and tone can be carefully retained.

The nova 11 Pro leverages the upgraded HUAWEI Multi-Vision Photography, with 60 MP Ultra Portrait Dual Camera, 100-degree ultra-wide angle, 1/2.61-inch background, 4K image quality, and excellent resolution and light sensitivity. The 8 MP Close-up Portrait Front Camera supports 2x optical zoom and up to 5x digital zoom, including 0.7x group photo, 1x HD selfie, 2x textured portrait, and 5x makeup close-up experience, to clearly capture beauty at various distances.

(2) 50 MP Ultra Vision Camera showcases the best-performing rear camera of the nova family

The nova 11 Pro and nova 11 boast a 50 MP Ultra Vision Camera, with a 50 MP RYYB Ultra Vision imaging unit, and 8 MP Ultra-Wide Macro Camera, which are great for capturing stunning photos. There is also the Laser Focus Sensor that supports autofocus, to help quickly capture the subject. The RYYB Colour Filter Array increases the amount of light entering the camera by 40% compared with the RGGB array, boosting the clarity and details of images shot in the dark. The brand-new environment spectrum collection system ensures that every colour looks vivid and is accurately restored, allowing users to experience the world's true colours like never before, thanks to the 10-Channel Colour Temperature Sensor.

(3) Two versions that look stylish and durable

The nova 11 Series comes in two variations: Flawless OLED Curved Display and Flawless OLED Flat-Edge Display. The nova 11 Pro adopts a 6.78-inch ring screen designed with a 66° golden bending angle, giving a comfortable grip. Its screen has 10x stronger drop resistance capability than the nova 10 Pro, thanks to the customised Kunlun Glass screen. The nova 11 features unprecedented HUAWEI nova Architecture, and its lightweight processing and 3D stacking technology reduce the phone's weight and thickness for more compactness. HUAWEI nova 11 is slim to a striking 6.88 mm and light at only 168 g. The extremely narrow bezels realise a sky-high screen-to-body ratio of 93.4% for the 6.7-inch screen. If that's not enough, the premium and minimalist R-angle design help offer an immersive experience with boundless vision.

The nova 11 Series integrates the vitality and personality of the youth into its design concept, setting itself as a benchmark in phone fashion. It comes in two colours: Green and Black. The HUAWEI nova 11 Pro Green and Black models feature the first-ever nova Monogram Vegan Leather Design. The HUAWEI nova 11 Series is the first to launch Display Turbo, which utilises HDR photo high dynamic display, 1440 Hz PWM dimming, and tactile synchronisation enhancement technologies to maximise screen performance.

Kunlun Glass  makes its first-ever appearance on the nova Series. Through enhanced injection of composite ions, hundreds of millions of nanometre crystal are generated, massively improving the robustness of the glass. The drop resistance capability of the nova 11 Pro is more reliable and 10 times stronger than the nova 10 Pro. 

(4) Game changer in communications, gaming, charging, and heat dissipation

The HUAWEI nova 11 Series boasts the powerful nova Game Engine that has made optimisations all across SoC resource scheduling, to GPU load reduction, and touchscreen display, for the ultimate gaming experience. The nova 11 Series is equipped with a Huawei-patented ultimate cooling system, which consists of ultra-high thermal conductivity graphene, to improve the heat dissipation capability by 7%  compared with the previous generation. The 10-channel and dot-matrix water-pool design improve the VC heat dissipation efficiency by 60%  compared with traditional solutions. The phone also introduces intelligent prediction algorithms, to increase the battery life for gameplay by 10%, reduce game latency by 5%, and decrease the temperature of the entire device by 1°C , compared with the nova 10 Pro.

The HUAWEI nova 11 Series is equipped with a 4500 mAh ultra-large battery , with single-cell and multi-tab technologies to achieve long-lasting power. The nova 11 Pro supports HUAWEI 100 W SuperCharge Turbo , so that the device can be charged to 60% in 10 minutes and fully charged in 20 minutes when the screen is off. The fastest charging experience can be achieved when the screen is on, and can be charged to 50% in 15 minutes when the phone is used for viewing short videos, to help users overcome low battery anxiety .

(5) Faster, smoother, safer, smart experience

The nova 11 Series is equipped with EMUI 13, bringing smarter and more convenient interactions and feature experiences. Users can use the Super Device feature to connect a HUAWEI nova 11 Series phone with a HUAWEI tablet simply by dragging the phone icon onto the tablet, and then display the phone screen on the tablet with the Multi-screen Collaboration feature, for seamless cross-device operations. 

The nova 11 Series protects user privacies even further with Privacy Centre, Security Centre, image privacy protection, on top of AI security protection features. App permission access and device security status are more transparent and controllable than they've ever been, giving users the ultimate peace of mind.

HUAWEI WATCH 4 Series, Health at a Glance

HUAWEI WATCH 4 Series is a new line-up of smart wearables including HUAWEI WATCH 4 and HUAWEI WATCH 4 Pro, both inheriting the technology and innovation of the HUAWEI WATCH Series, but even more focused on health management. Thanks to Huawei's one-touch, multi-point health tracking, taking care of one’s health is as easy as a tap on the wrist. With this smartwatch, users can manage their health in style and be more proactive in taking diligent care of themselves.

Huawei Watch 4 Series

HUAWEI WATCH 4 Pro features the aerospace-grade titanium case  gives the smartwatches a luxurious feel, while the industry-leading Spherical Sapphire Glass  on the watch dial adds a touch of elegance with durability to withstand daily wear. HUAWEI WATCH 4 comes with Black Stainless Steel Case design, with 3D curved glass that brings streamlined aesthetics for a futuristic style. 

HUAWEI WATCH 4 Pro boasts a 1.5-inch Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Oxide (LTPO) flexible screen with a 71.72% screen-to-body ratio and an energy efficient as low as 1Hz Always on Display (AOD) . HUAWEI WATCH 4 has a 1.5-inch LTPO flexible display with up to 74% screen-to-body ratio and a thin 0.855mm bezel for better visibility. Both smartwatches support up to 30-meters in free dive resistance, 5ATM swimming water resistance  and has an IP68 rating . 

Both the HUAWEI WATCH 4 Pro and HUAWEI WATCH 4 also come with their own unique straps. The HUAWEI WATCH 4 Pro comes with Dark Brown Leather strap with a handcrafted finish for a contemporary refined look. HUAWEI WATCH 4 spots a Black Fluoroelastomer strap with a sporty, minimalistic look that is also easy to clean.

(1) All-in-one personal health assistant with comprehensive monitoring and Fitness Experience

Symptoms of early lung function impairment are not usually detected, but the HUAWEI WATCH 4 Series addresses this issue with the new Respiratory Check. Objective indicators such as respiratory rate, SpO2 range and cough sounds, along with risk information such as smoking or air pollution, assess lung health with the help of a proprietary respiratory spectrum analysis algorithm. The newly introduced provides easy access to assessment results and tailored advice on the HUAWEI Health App, empowering users to take preventive measures and protect their lungs.

The HUAWEI WATCH 4 has advanced sleep monitoring with HUAWEI TruSleep™ 3.0. This technology has been researched, developed, and optimised for four years, and is currently the industry's leading technology based on infrared light to monitor sleep. It brings improvements that enables better accuracy in sleep tracking. With improved accuracy in sleep tracking, it records the quality of your sleep, on top of the existing ability to automatically detect the user's duration of sleep and present the comprehensive sleep structure of sleep and naps (including light sleep, deep sleep, REM and awake) by analysing multiple physiological parameters based on body movement, heart rate and HRV.

Price and Release Date

HUAWEI nova 11 Series will be available nationwide starting 7 July 2023 across all HUAWEI Experience Stores, HUAWEI’s Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee, HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada, where customers will be entitled to complimentary gifts worth up to RM219 upon purchases made from 7 July 2023 until 23 July 2023. Available in three variants: HUAWEI nova 11 (8 GB RAM + 256 GB ROM), priced at RM 2,199, HUAWEI nova 11 Pro (8 GB RAM + 256 GB ROM), priced at RM 2,599, offering Black and Green colour options; and HUAWEI nova 11i (8 GB RAM + 256 GB ROM), priced at RM 1,299, offering Starry Black and Mint Green colour options. 

HUAWEI WATCH 4 will be available nationwide starting 7 July 2023 for RM 1,999; where WATCH 4 Pro will be available nationwide starting 15 July 2023 for RM 2,499 across all HUAWEI Experience Stores,      HUAWEI’s Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee, HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada. With every purchase of the HUAWEI Watch 4 series, customers will receive a complimentary EasyFit 2 Strap worth RM169.

For more information, latest updates or promotions about HUAWEI nova 11 Series and WATCH 4 Series, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.

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